Page 10 - Moreno Valley City Manager's Report for 2021
P. 10

2019              LEASE REVENUE                                                                                            2020              TOTAL ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM

                                                                                                                                                     C er tific at e s of P ar ticipation (C OP s)
                          Bonds (t ax able)

        Original Issue               Issuance                     Maturity                     Interest                            Original Issue               Issuance                    Maturity                     Interest
        AMOUNT                       DATE                         DATE                         RATES                               AMOUNT                       DATE                        DATE                         RATES

        $15,830,000                  04/11/2019                   05/01/2049                   4%                                  $20,970,000                  10/08/2020                  06/01/2039                   0.435% - 3.238%

        DESCRIPTION                                                                                                                DESCRIPTION
        The proceeds of the 2019 Lease Revenue Bonds financed electric utility projects consisting of three categories of electric   The 2020 Total Road Improvement Program Certificates of Participation (COPs) were issued in August 2020 to refund the
        infrastructure improvements: (1) the installation of approximately 5.8 miles of 12kV backbone infrastructure including conduit   2013 Total Road Improvement Program Certificates of Participation (COPs). The original bonds funded the construction of
        and cable, 17 vaults, 2 surface operable equipment enclosures, 13 manholes, 2 gas switches, and 1 pad mounted switch, in   certain roadway improvements, including the extension of Nason Street between Cactus Avenue and Fir Avenue and the
        addition to pavement restoration work that is all designed to support increasing demand for electricity and improve reliability   Perris Boulevard widening between Ironwood Avenue and Manzanita Avenue.
        and the flexibility of the City’s electrical distribution system; (2) the retrofit and/or replacement of switches to build automation,
        communication, and protection to circuits and improve reliability; and (3) the installation of smart meters and associated data   REPAYMENT SOURCE
        collection system, providing customers more detailed feedback regarding their energy use while improving system reliability
        through faster outage detection and restoration of service.                                                                The repayment source for these bonds is the Measure A Fund.
        REPAYMENT SOURCE                                                                                                           PREPAYMENT PROVISIONS

        The repayment source for these bonds is the Electric Utility Fund.                                                         Optional prepayment continuously after 6/1/30.
        PREPAYMENT PROVISIONS                                                                                                      SECURITY
        Optional prepayment continuously after 5/1/26 with no prepayment premium.                                                  The bonds are secured by the pledge of future Measure A revenues.
        SECURITY                                                                                                                   DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE

        These bonds are secured with bond insurance purchased from Assured Guaranty Municipal Corporation as well as City-
        owned property. This asset pool consists of the Moreno Beach substation, the Kitching substation, the Conference &         The annual debt service requirements for the 2020 Total Road Improvement Program COPs outstanding at June 30, 2024, are as
        Recreation Center and the Corporate Yard. This asset pool is shared between the 2021 Refunding Lease Revenue Bonds         follows:
        and the 2019 Lease Revenue Bonds.
        The annual debt service requirements for the 2019 Lease Revenue Bonds outstanding at June 30, 2024, are as follows:

                  2019 LEASE                                                                                                                                                                  2020 TOTAL ROAD IMPROVEMENT
                  REVENUE BONDS (taxable)                                                                                                                                        CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION

                   YEAR ENDING                 PRINCIPAL            INTEREST          INTEREST RATE                                            YEAR ENDING                PRINCIPAL             INTEREST          INTEREST RATE
                   JUNE 30,                                                                                                                    JUNE 30,
                   2025                               0              633,200               4%                                                  2025                         980,000              415,093                1.061%
                   2026                               0              633,200               4%                                                  2026                         990,000              404,695                1.402%
                   2027                               0              633,200               4%
                   2028                               0              633,200               4%                                                  2027                       1,005,000              390,815                1.602%
                   2029                               0              633,200               4%                                                  2028                       1,015,000              374,715                1.919%
                   2030-2034*                         0             3,166,000              4%                                                  2029                       1,040,000              355,237                2.019%
                   2035-2039*                 1,025,000             3,166,000              4%
                   2040-2044*                 5,765,000             2,518,200              4%                                                  2030-2034*                 5,550,000            1,424,978         2.119%-2.669%
                   2045-2049*                 9,040,000             1,189,200              4%                                                  2035-2039*                 6,355,000              624,834         2.769%-3.238%
                                            $15,830,000          $13,205,400                                                                                            $16,935,000           $3,990,367

             *Represents the total amount due during the specified period.                                                                                                             *Represents the total amount due during the specified period.
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