Approval Process
Getting Started
The Planning Division reviews public and private development applications for conformance with ordinances and policies related to zoning, design, land development division, and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
Before submitting an application, utilize zoning tools and City documents to research and plan your project. The following links to resources may be helpful in researching and planning your project:
It is recommended to visit or contact the Planning Division either by phone at (951) 413-3206 or through email at early in the planning process to determine if a site is properly zoned to accommodate the proposed development and to discuss the proposed plans for the projects.
Over-the-Counter Permits
Some applications can usually be approved within the same day. These over-the-counter approvals would include, but not limited to Home Occupation Permits and Temporary Use Permits. Confirm the required documents and fees with Planning Staff to help expedite the review at the counter.
Development Applications
Development applications include minor applications that can be approved by the Planning Division, and major development applications that would require a public hearing. Below is a list of major development applications:
- Plot Plans requiring public hearing
- Conditional Use Permits
- Subdivision Tract Maps
- Specific Plan Amendments
- Change of Zone
- General Plan Amendments
Project Review Process

- Pre-Application – Early discussion with Planning Staff is recommended for development applications. The City offers a pre-application review application. A pre-application review involves internal discussion among City departments to identify key issues, required support materials (i.e. report/studies), additional applications/approvals, and to identify any outside agencies that will be involved with approval process. Although a pre-application review is not required, it is sometimes recommended for major development review projects.
- Submit Application – Along with the application forms, submit all fees, plans, and studies (as required). The plans are distributed to other departments as soon as possible after submittal. For major project development applications, a Project Planner will complete an initial review within 2 to 7 business days. Applicant will receive a completeness letter.
- Application Review /Project Review Committee – The Planning Division along with other applicable City departments will review the project for adherence to the General Plan, zoning, and any other related requirements. Through this process, the staff will work with the applicant in identifying the scope of the environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Multiple reviews of the project may be necessary based on City staff’s comments.
- Public Hearing(s) (If Applicable) – Upon completion of conditions of approval for the project, the project will be scheduled for public hearing, and a public hearing notice is mailed to surrounding property owners.