Page 15 - City of Moreno Valley Invstment and Cash Management Program
P. 15

Considerations Include

                                     Is there a market to resell the asset? Cash is considered the most liquid asset, while
                     Liquidity       items such as real estate or fine art are considered relatively illiquid as it may take
                                     more time to convert those items into a tradeable commodity such as cash to meet
                                     financial obligations.

                     Strategy        Does the security fit into the overall portfolio strategy?  (Safety, Liquidity, Yield)

                    Diversifi-       Is the investment portfolio diversified? A diversified portfolio contains a mix of asset
                                     classes across multiple market sectors (government, banking, technology, etc.). This
                      cation         asset mix better protects the portfolio from negative swings that may effect one sector
                                     of the market but not necessarily another.

                       Mix           Does the mix of bond maturities fit the portfolio strategy?

                      Credit         How stable and safe are securities that are available for purchase? This refers to the
                       Risk          amount of risk the lender (The City) is willing to take on that it may not receive the
                                     owed principle and interest due from the debtor.

                    Volatility       How much fluctuation is in market.

                    The Yield        The Yield Curve is a graphic representation that depicts the relationship, at a given
                      Curve          point in time, between yields and maturities for bonds that are identical. Yield Curve
                                     Analysis generally utilizes Treasury Bills due to their identical characteristics.

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