Affordable Housing
The City Council and the City of Moreno Valley are dedicated to providing affordable rental opportunities. The City has invested housing funds into the construction and rehabilitation of affordable multi-family rental projects in partnership with developers throughout the City. In return, the project owners provide discounted, below-market rents to income-qualified tenants during the term of their agreements with the City.
Units in developments priced at a “below market rate” are made affordable to varied incomes ranging from very-low to moderate income households (30% -120% AMI). Each project has a specific number of units reserved at below market rates, as well as specific income requirements for the units. For qualification information, unit availability, and application questions, please contact the Leasing Agent displayed for each respective property listed below. The City does not own or manage any housing directly.
- Affordable Units in Moreno Valley (updated 02/2025)
Affordable Housing Database (AB987)
This database* contains information for owner-occupied and rental units developed or substantially rehabilitated with Low and Moderate-Income Housing Funds. This list is updated annually and excludes units reserved for victims of domestic violence.
- Affordable Housing Database - updated 03/2024
*The Affordable Housing Database Worksheet is published in accordance with requirements set forth by Assembly Bill 987.
Senate Bill 341 Annual Report
In January 2012, the City of Moreno Valley elected to designate the Moreno Valley Housing Authority as the Housing Successor to the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Moreno Valley, as allowed by the law. The Housing Successor’s assets were transferred from the former Agency when it dissolved pursuant to the Dissolution Act (enacted by Assembly Bills x1 26 and 1484). The Housing Successor Agency Annual Report (“Annual Report”) contains information on finances and activities as required by Health and Safety Code (“HSC”) Section 34176.1(f).