Page 4 - 2023-25 Citizen's Guide to the Moreno Valley Budget
P. 4

The City of Moreno Valley

                                     BALANCES BUDGET

                                      Despite State and Local Pressures

        Moreno Valley has approved a two-year balanced budget in   services, needs will also grow as new facilities and roadways
        June of this year. Despite continued takeaways of local funds   are constructed to meet community needs.
        by  the  State  and  increased  costs  for  services  provided  by
        Riverside County, the budget is fully balanced.  It represents   Through  diligent  financial  management,  the  City  will
        ongoing investments in the City’s future while maintaining   continue  to  focus  on  financial  stability  and  community
        the   award-winning   sound   fiscal   stewardship   and   quality  of  life,  despite  state  and  federal  policies  that
        conservative legal safeguards, which have marked Moreno   potentially  affect  the  funding  Moreno  Valley  and  other
        Valley as one of the most fiscally fit cities in the Nation.   California cities receive.

        The  adopted  General  Fund  budget  for  2023/24  totals   While  the  continued  State  takeaways  and  cost  increases
        $152.8  million  and  the  overall  budget  exceeds  $304.6   imposed by the County can limit the City’s ongoing ability to
        million.  The spending plan includes $28.2 million in capital   sustain services and programs, the current budget effectively
        improvements to ensure the repair and replacement of aging   preserves services that are high priorities for Moreno Valley
        local infrastructure within our current financial capabilities.  residents.

        This budget is based on the principles of Momentum MoVal,
        a strategic plan developed by the City Council to ensure that
        community  priorities  are  reflected  in  planning  decisions.
        The City will continue active outreach to assess community
        priorities into the future.

        While  Moreno  Valley’s  fiscal  position  remains  strong,  the
        City is keeping a watchful eye on areas of concern such as
        the  potential  for  slower  economic  growth  and  increased
        costs for public safety services provided by Riverside County.
        As  the  City  continues  to  add  residents,  infrastructure,  and

        To view our budget and other financial documents,
        Upon request, this news release will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with disabilities, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Any person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation
        in order to participate in this meeting should direct such requests to the ADA Coordinator at 951.413.3350 or at least 72 hours before the meeting. The 72-hour notification will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to
        e n s u r e  a c c e s s i b i l i t y  t o  t h i s  m e e t i n g .
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