Transportation Engineering
The Transportation Engineering Group is responsible for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods within the City.
Online Service Portal
To view project-related information or upload project files, visit SimpliCITY , the City's online service portal. Call 951.413.3140 if you have any questions.
The Transportation Engineering Group assesses neighborhood and regional traffic concerns and implements corrective measures to enhance vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian safety.
The staff works closely with the Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG), the Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC), the California Department of Transportation (CALTRANS), and adjoining agencies to insure consistency and uniformity with regional transportation programs. Our staff operates and maintains 190 traffic signals and 418 centerline miles of roadway signing and striping.
Division Reports & Services
Quick Links
- Speed Hump Installation Policy and Procedure
- Oversize Load Permit Application — this service is now provided through SimpliCITY
- Oversize Load Insurance Requirements
- Commercial Vehicle Parking Restrictions Map
Division Contact
City Traffic Engineer
Wei Sun, T.E., PTOE
Phone: 951.413.3140
Engineering Division Manager/ Assistant City Engineer
Harold Zamora
Traffic Safety Commission
The Traffic Safety Commission considers matters of traffic safety within the City; evaluates proposals for traffic control devices; and evaluates the need for striping, signing or other measures not of a regulatory nature. The Commission also educates the public on traffic issues and responds to public concerns regarding traffic and pedestrian safety. For more information, visit the Traffic Safety Commission page.