General Plan Draft Program Environmental Impact Report (DEIR)

The draft of the General Plan Update, Draft Climate Action Plan, and Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) are now available. The City invites comments and input on the Draft General Plan and the DEIR through May 17, 2021 at 5:30pm.
Document Sections
- Executive Summary
- Section 1: Introduction
- Section 2: Environmental Setting
- Section 3: Project Description
- Section 4: Environmental Analysis
- 4.1 Aesthetics
- 4.2 Agriculture and Forestry Resources
- 4.3 Air Quality
- 4.4 Biological Resources
- 4.5 Cultural and Tribal Resources
- 4.6 Energy
- 4.7 Geology/Soils
- 4.8 Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- 4.9 Hazards & Hazardous Materials
- 4.10 Hydrology/Water Quality
- 4.11 Land Use/Planning
- 4.12 Mineral Resources
- 4.13 Noise
- 4.14 Population/Housing
- 4.15 Public Services and Recreation
- 4.16 Transportation
- 4.17 Utilities and Service Systems
- 4.18 Wildfire
- Section 5: CEQA Mandated Analysis
- Section 6: Project Alternatives
- Section 7: EIR References